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Dog Shoes
I think this dog hate his shoes. This dog shoes that are not comfortable. I can not see any smile on this dog face :)
Three Girls
Three girls walk into a bar; a brunette a red head and a green haired girl. The bar tender asks the brunette how she keeps her hair so brow...
Noodles Cat
Where did these cats learn how to eat noodles like that, whether he taught the owner? or owner when he noticed habit of eating noodles. gre...
Help Homeless People
Unlucky Young Man
A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms. The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young ...
Kids And Bomb
Three Men
Three men were discussing at a bar about coincidences. The first man said, " my wife was reading a "tale of two cities" and...
Dracula And Bat
Once upon a time Dracula decided to carry some sort of a competition to see which is the finest bat to stand on his side. So all the bat...
Fish And Owner
This child is very good at doing Slamdunk. Look up the poles collapsed. but he is not proficient in the run up to hit the basketball pole. ...
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